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Crusader Kings 2 Matrilineal Marriage

Crusader Kings 2 Matrilineal Marriage

Re: Crusader Kings 2 Thread III: Keeping Up With The Karlings Originally Posted by Flickerdart It's not really a bug - you'll see that 'desires matrilineal marriage' is one of the modifiers, but it's possible to counter-balance it with many modifiers in your favour, especially as a prestigious and powerful realm.

After Harald's death, the crown of Norway went to the Olaf, Ingegerd's brother.3. Observation of the chart above leads to the simple conclusion: in Norway we have election system because after Harald's death (reminder: father-in-law of the main hero) crown goes not to the eldest member of the family nor to the firstborn son (in both cases: Magnus). If there would be a primogeniture or principate in Norway, it would be enough to kill king's Olaf children and then him. Ingegerd (main's hero wife) would take the power then and the problem will be solved. Unfortunately, election forced other solution: bribing all the electors. When they decided that after Olaf the Ingegerd will take the reigns, there was nothing to do besides killing the king.


Crusader Kings 2 Matrilineal Marriage Pictures

Years are passing by.4. Ingegerd has seized the crown after murdering the king.

It was only half a success, because Norway still isn't in hands of Botstain's House, but in his wife's (and even this until the moment of her death, when electors will choose the new ruler).Norway crown would be the Botstain's House only when the its masculine heir will take it (thanks to the election or changed succession law). This person would be son of Ingegerd and Botstain, Swenik, who achieved the crown thanks to bribes. It was possible because he was related to the queen and he could be considered as a heir during election ( Succession: Election).

This page has been updated for patch 1.05.Matrilineal Marriages are so handy in Crusader Kings 2 that they were quickly nerfed.What is a Matrilineal Marriage?A Matrilineal Marriage is a marriage where the children are agreed to be of the mother’s dynasty instead of the father’s. The children will inherit claims from both parents as per usual. Thus, Matrilineal marriages are ideal for Countesses and Duchesses and Queens who need to keep the title within their dynasty, as well as fathers without sons who wish to continue the family name.

The concept is the simple part.Arranging Matrilineal MarriagesThe execution on the other hand is used to be a pain in the backside. With patch 1.05, the arranging of Matrilineal marriages was streamlined in the interface, with a checkbox for ‘Matrilineal’ added where it would be difficult to be missed.If you are a /have a man looking to marry Matrilineally, you have it easy. Pretty much any woman who would accept a normal marriage will be happy to accept a Matrilineal one, and some women, especially rulers, will be looking to preserve their dynasties giving you a chance where you would otherwise be turned down. Why would a man be looking for a Matrilineal Marriage. Unlegitimized bastards and men of lowborn status may only marry noble women Matrilineally.If you are a woman seeking to marry Matrilineally, you will have few suitors to choose from. The new UI for Matrilineal marriages will make them very easy to find though. You may now click on the Wedding Rings button on the character pane as you would for a regular marriage.

Crusader Kings 2 Game Of Thrones Mod

On the resulting list of suitors, there is now a checkbox for ‘Matrilineal Marriage.’ Clicking this will filter the potential suitors, displaying only those who would accept a proposal. And they lived happily ever after.Granting Titles to Matrilineal HusbandsI don’t know if it is a bug or working as designed, but granting a title to a man who is matrilineally married will unlock him from the matrilineal part of his marriage. Children born before the title are of the mother’s dynasty, but those coming after the title are of the father’s. I have not checked this in a while, so it is possible that if it was a bug it has been fixed. I will investigate when a game gives me the chance.

(-Ryan 4/5/12)Other Marriage Topics.

Crusader Kings 2 Matrilineal Marriage